Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Bapuji Arrives in America, May 1977


It was in late May 1977 and it was very cold outside. I was picked among others in the Sumneytown family to go to greet him at Kennedy Airport. We, four or five brothers, got a ride from a sister disciple from Philadelphia. Everyone talked about meeting him on the way to the airport.

When we got to the airport we went to a reception room on the second floor of the international terminal. There was high energy in the room. Brothers and sisters from the Retreat at Summit Station, PA brought drums and cymbals. We were chanting and doing japa while we waited. We were all dressed in white with the sisters dressed in saris.
He arrived late at night around 1 AM. There was a platform with lighting in the front of the room. Bapuji, Mataji, Amrit, Vinit Muni and Krishnapriya came in from the left side of the platform. They all looked tired as expected from a long trip. Bapuji did not sleep during the whole trip because he believed a guru should not sleep in the presence of his disciples.

First there was cheers and applause as Bapuji came in. He sat down on a chair on the platform. Everyone became quite.
He gave us all a long and loving look. He said he was in an advanced stage of sadhana and he would not even go 2 furlongs (440 yards). He said it would be impossible for him to get here if it were not for our love for him. He chanted "Guru Om Guru Om". His voice was strong and deep. It came from deep inside of him. It was extraordinary to hear him. He wrote some things on his slate and Amrit translated it. He chanted "Om Nama Shivaya" and overwhelmed us again. He stayed for about 15 minutes. It seemed a very short time. He then left for his ride to Summit Station.

There was some confusion about what to do next so I follow Bapuji to the burgundy Chrysler. One of his disciples living in America came up to him and bowed at his feet. I was amazed to see a complete stranger come up to him and bow. This showed me he had many disciples here in this country. It was very early in the morning and it was very cold. I got in an ashram car with Baladev and 3 other brothers and left Kennedy Airport. A caravan of cars headed back to Pennsylvania.

We drove pretty fast. I was right behind Krishnapriya in the burgundy Chrysler and I was determined to keep up with her. It was very stressful on me because I had to concentrate on driving. The safety of the four other brothers and myself was in my hands. After what seemed a long time we left the interstate near Summit Station. It was a country road and very hilly. I lost the burgundy Chrysler in the hills. I took a left onto the final road that lead to the ashram. The road bends sharply to the left just before entering the ashram. As I made the turn I saw the burgundy Chrysler. What I saw along the sides of the road was amazing. The brothers and sisters were standing along the road with white candles in their hands. They lined the entire road from the entrance to the little cottage, Rajeshwari, where Bapuji would stay. We/I renovated the cottage and grounds around it for him.

I parked the car in the adjacent lot and breathed a sigh of relief. I was exhausted but I was so glad to arrive safely. A small stage was setup for Bapuji near Rajeshwari. When I got there I saw a mass of people in front of Bapuji. He was addressing them and said again our love brought him here. He wrote that he just wanted to be with his spiritual grandchildren and do his sadhana. He chanted one or two bhajans. They had the same affect as when he chanted at the airport. Overwhelming everyone. He ended by writing on his slate that he needed to go in and mediate and be with GOD. He went inside and we dispersed to get some well-deserved rest.